Message from the Director

Our ambition, embodied in the Horizon 2027 strategic plan, is based on a 360° CSR commitment. We work every day to protect our employees by promoting diversity and inclusion, while ensuring their quality of life at work. We also support our clients in their transformation towards responsible and sustainable growth. Our solutions are tailor-made to meet each client’s specific needs, while respecting ethical and responsible principles.

Through this global commitment, we affirm our drive to build a fairer and more sustainable future where economic performance, social responsibility and respect for the environment converge to create a long-term positive impact.

Myriam El Khomri
Director of CSR Strategy and HR Consulting
CSR Strategy

Our CSR Strategy is based on four main lines of commitment that reflect the expectations of our internal and external stakeholders and our ambition regarding CSR.

The employees

  • To take care of our employees’ mental and physical health by implementing the Care management,
  • To support our Diversity and Inclusion policy.

The society

  • To support employees with chronic diseases,
  • To structure partnerships in favor of a social cause.

Our clients and suppliers

  • To assist our clients with their transformation towards sustainable growth,
  • To act as an ethical and responsible partner,
  • To include our suppliers and partners in our social and environmental commitments.

The environment

  • To reduce the environmental impact of our activities (reduce our carbon footprint) and preserve biodiversity.
Gender equality

Workplace equality index

SCORE: 86/100 (for 2025 based on 2024 data)

  • Pay gap: 36/40
  • Individual increase differential: 20/20
  • Promotion gap: 15/15
  • Percentage of employees receiving a raise after maternity leave: 15/15
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest earners: 0/10

Our CSR initiatives

Find out more about our main CSR initiatives


Our code of conduct and professional ethics

Business development in compliance with the legislation and regulations applicable to brokerage professions (French Insurance Code, AML-FT and international sanctions, IDD) and to the Group (SAPIN II, GDPR).


EcoVadis assessment

For several years now, the Group has had its CSR performance assessed on an annual basis via the EcoVadis platform.

Our commitments

Global Compact
Diot-Siaci first signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2015 and upholds its 10 principles in favor of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter helps to develop management practices that respect differences and are based on trust and team cohesion. These practices are a vehicle for social and economic progress.
Endorsement of the Diversity Charter and the implementation of Diot-Siaci’s commitments confirm our proactive diversity policy.
Act4nature International is a voluntary corporate initiative in favor of biodiversity. It aims to get companies to consider their direct and indirect impacts, what they rely on and their scope for action to protect nature.
Working with Cancer Pledge
The Diot-Siaci Group has signed the #WorkingwithCancer Pledge launched by Arthur Sadoun, CEO of Publicis Groupe.
We undertake to put an end to the workplace stigma of cancer and other long-term or chronic diseases, and to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for all our employees by rolling out the care management system internally. We are also committed to implementing the necessary actions to assist and support them.